C-Level Advisory Services

"From Startup to Wrap Up with just a pinch of Sarcasm."

this is our "why?":

Startup Advisory Services


We are passionate about startups.  We also know how difficult it can be for startup companies to afford quality C-level help (CEO, COO, CFO).  To help bridge that gap, we provide manageable units of service at rates that most startups can afford.

The units can be transferred to different entities (as long as there is common ownership between them).  The units of service don't expire and we don't round up service hours!

You will receive a very detailed accounting of any and all service-units used.

(You may be wondering why the team above is smiling while looking at sticky notes.  That's simple; each piece of paper has one of their names on it and what they will earn for the photoshoot.  And at least two of those sticky notes probably also read "just smile and point".)

Ongoing Management Advisory Services


If your Company is already running, we can help you run it more profitably and efficiently.  

With expertise in a wide variety of industries including: healthcare, medical devices, consumer products, government grants, ad-agency services, food and heavy manufacturing, we continue to emphasize value in making sure your Company gets the support it needs with zero waste and none of the fixed-burden associated with a full-time executive.

We can assist you with any and all business-related activities.  Our goals aren't realized until we've helped you achieve yours.

(The guy above is THAT guy at the airport who never stops checking his cell phone and never, I mean never, unbuttons his sport coat.  He probably also clenches his jaw, looks up at the ceiling and shakes his head a lot for added visual effect.  His Dentist and Hygienist loathe him for the clenched-jaw thing.  Normal people at the airport are both frightened and confused by this guy.  But they do take solace in a cold hot-pretzel and a $5 bottle of water while they try to understand him.)

Wrap Up Advisory Services


Eventually all good things must come to an end.  Our role is to ensure that process is as personally and financially rewarding, to the business owners we support, as it can be.  

Similar to our focus at other stages of the organizational life cycle, we remain driven to making this process a tremendous value for the organizational stakeholders, both internal and external.

There are no "success" fees associated with the business owners' desired outcome.  Your complete satisfaction while crossing your own "finish line" means we've accomplished our goals.

(Granted, the stock image above leaves quite a bit to be desired.  Most business owners are looking for a profitable exit.  They sort of assume "healthy" even though that might not be in the cards.  But hey, using it is still better than us having to pay for a premium image.)
