Fractional C-Level Engagements fractional cfo


The Value Argument for a Fractional CFO:


Any worthwhile CFO will immediately look for low-hanging fruit when initially placed into a new work environment. Low-hanging fruit might consist of: cost-cutting, process-improvement or even work-culture enhancement opportunities. At the same time, the organization the CFO is engaged with may or may not be experiencing moderate or greater growth. During these times, the truly talented CFO will actively grow with the organization while continuing to look for ways to enhance and maximize workplace efficiencies and organizational profitability, all while ensuring adherence to a wide variety of federal, state and local regulations.

The challenge with the typical, full-time CFO is that over time (and sometimes quicker than may have been anticipated) the low-hanging fruit winds up being fully picked. At the same time, the pace of growth of the organization may have slowed. 

At that point, the day-to-day value of the full-time CFO is diminished and not only does the (truly talented) CFO become bored, but he or she is now placing an enormous financial burden on the organization as in all likelihood a Controller-level position is probably now sufficient for day-to-day finance and accounting operations.  

If only that CFO would consider going from full-time to part-time, it could be the ultimate solution.

This is precisely the value argument for a Fractional CFO.
